Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a great day! The days are cooler now and so enjoyable. Al had Men’s group this morning and I went to Aldi’s and to Exercise class. Next is Craft time and then tonight we have Bible Study at church.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Do we use the opportunities God sends to share Him with others or do we keep the Good News to ourselves? I just finished reading the book of Acts and read of Paul’s missionary journeys, noticing how he used every chance he got to witness of the Lord. It didn’t matter if he was in prison, on a ship, making tents, or walking from one city to another, he shared the gospel with all who would listen. While Paul was under house arrest in Rome, he also wrote books such as Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians and Philemon. He didn’t wait until the circumstances were great, but preached every chance he got. One thing that struck me about his time in Rome was how large numbers of people came to him and he tried to convince them about Jesus. It says in Acts 28:24 (NRSV), Some were convinced by what he said, while others refused to believe.” He didn’t take it personally when some people didn’t respond to his message; he didn’t feel condemnation that he might have blown it or thought if he only had said it a different way, the outcome would have been different. No, he was faithful to share the message but left the results up to the Lord. He just kept sharing the gospel and had an open door to all who came to him for the two years he was under house arrest.
Paul is a good example to us of being faithful to spread the Good News under whatever circumstances we find ourselves. We may be surprised by those that are open to hear and respond and others who have closed their hearts and refuse to listen. Paul experienced rejection and hostility and persecution just as we may, as well; but he didn’t give up nor let the enemy win. Sometimes it means years of praying for someone before they might listen to us, and we might not see the answer even in our life time. But never, never, give up on anyone for the Lord never gave up on us!
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to lead you to share with someone He puts in your path.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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