Dear Ones,
Hope you have a wonderful day full of His surprises. Al is off to men’s group and before long I will go downstairs to get donuts for us to have with coffee when he returns. I am making his favorite cookies and a zucchini dish and this afternoon we have Bible Study.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
The Lord loves us and has so much to teach us, and often in unexpected ways. We need to be alert and receptive to learn from what He is showing us, for He may surprise us and use those we come in contact with throughout our day. I get excited when He uses people we least expect or places us in unusual circumstances and we just know it is Him… He has a message for us we need to be open to learn and be blessed.
In response to what I wrote some days ago about our friend Vickie who has Alzheimer’s and yet she blesses others by her smile and hugs as God’s love flows through her, I got a response from someone who knows God speaks as she reaches out to others around her.
Our friend Carol had a chance meeting with Jamie and her 25 year-old daughter, Tanner, while out for a walk one day. Tanner has some form of brain cancer and was in a wheelchair when Carol’s cat jumped into her lap’ That began a friendship for the three of them and they began visiting on Carol’s patio and also went occasionally to her church. Carol always wanted to go to the Steam Threshers in Rollag so on Sunday the three of them got there around 6:30 am. They were able to see things and get breakfast, take the train around the grounds and go to the church service which was very good. By noon they had seen lots and watched the tractor parade and went on the carousel, which Jamie wanted to do with Tanner before they headed home. While Carol was getting them ice cream, Jamie came across a worker who knew how to get a “people mover”, which was basically a tractor with a hay wagon on the back that had a wheelchair ramp, to come and pick them up so they didn’t have to walk back through the entire place to get to the front gate where they were parked. Jamie had been pushing the wheelchair plus had a heavy “medical bag” that that she and Carol were taking turns toting around in the 90 degree weather. They were all tired but had a fun morning time. Carol shared how blessed Tanner was to have such a great mom who gets her out and about and loves her the ways she does, rather than putting her away. Later Jamie shared how she appreciated the fact that she lives where people are so close and welcoming, and she can feel comfortable taking Tanner to events.
I suspect Jamie doesn’t realize what a beautiful message she is giving to others by her loving servant heart. Let us remember every person we meet has a gift for us from above, because they are made in the image of God. We may have to look harder to find it at times, but it is there.
Now our friend Carol could have gone to the Steam Threshers alone or with others who wouldn’t take up so much time and care, but she came home blessed, seeing firsthand, the example of unconditional love of a selfless mom to her daughter.
Some lessons God teaches us are not easy to learn but let us open our hearts with the faith that He knows when we are ready for whatever it is we are to learn and then grow and become more like Him.
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord for a teachable heart to receive and learn the lessons He has for you.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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