A short prayer I read this morning by A.W. Tozer that may help us in this: “ Oh God, quicken to life every power within me, that I may lay hold on eternal things. Open my eyes that I may see; give me acute spiritual perception; enable me to taste Thee and know that Thou are good. Make heaven more real to me than any earthly thing has ever been. Amen.”
Only fellowship with God will quiet our soul’s longing, for all that the world offers won’t satisfy our heart’s desire. We all have a choice if we want to follow the Lord and choose His eternal kingdom, or if we will choose the world and all that will pass away one day. Our answer has huge ramifications for if we choose God, we find great joy in His presence. We might ask, how does the Lord manifest His presence to us? He does this through a myriad of ways.
One of our friends just began teaching at a Disciple Training School and her whole subject for this year is on Intimacy with the Lord. The other pastor is going to speak on Spiritual Gifts, and she will be sharing on the different aspects of growing in Intimacy with the Lord to about 30 eager young people. What a privilege that is to teach them about what it means to really have a close, loving relationship with the Lord, to experience His presence through prayer, scripture, praise, worship and adoration; also, through humility, repentance, and holiness. At the first class she had them practice quiet listening for 5 minutes and then some shared what they felt the Lord was saying to them. What an encouragement to help them find pleasure in the Lord’s presence and to talk with Him all throughout their day.
Jesus wants to reveal Himself to each of us and wants to love us and converse with us. Let us be spiritually aware and respond like David in Psalm 27:8, “They face, Lord, will I seek.”
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