Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a good day. Only 36 this morning but sunny and warming up now. I got an egg dish made and shopped at Aldi’s and have an eye appointment this afternoon and Women’s group tonight. In between I am reading a book that you may get some of my gleanings in the future.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
What are we to be learning during this time of isolation and how do we respond? I was reading on Words of Life an article by Susie Larson about “A Future and a Hope.” She said how easy it is when we are in adverse circumstances to respond by shrinking back and hunkering down. But our self-preservation often leaves faith out. Her example was Jeremiah’s word he gave to God’s people who were in exile in Babylon. He sent a letter to them and told them to build houses and dwell in them, plant gardens and eat the fruit of them, marry and have children, and not to be diminished. He said in Jer. 29:11 (Amplified), “For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for your welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.” In the future, in due time, God would rescue them and restore them so they were not just to give up. Perhaps that applies to us in some ways now as we are to be people of faith and to rise above our present circumstances. No, we can’t do so many of the things we did in the past because of rules and distancing but we can grow in our faith. In fact, as our old way of life falls apart, we discover what is truly important and what sustains us. Some of the things we thought were so imperative we find we must let go of. We may actually have more time to seek the Lord as there are so many things canceled and less events to attend. Every day we are given an opportunity to discover the new things the Lord has waiting for us, a chance to grow deeper, a time to thrive and rise above our circumstances. We can learn to trust God in bigger ways and envision the new that He has planned for our future. No, let us not hide as we wait for the virus to disappear, but to use this time to be strengthened in our faith and to grow closer to Him.
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord how He would have you spend this time of isolation and view it as a gift to grow in your faith.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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