Dear Ones,
Hope you have a peace filled day. I just made some egg dishes and soon going to my exercise class. This afternoon I am going to crafts and will be making cards. Tonight is Bible Study so is a day of blessings.
Please continue to pray for Lily’s recovery as she is in a lot of pain today.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Music is so good for our souls and has many health benefits too. Music is often mentioned in the Bible like David who composed songs when he was tending sheep; or Deborah, or Moses and Miriam who sang songs of praise to God after a victory.
Paul wrote in Eph. 5: 18b-19 (ESV), “Be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart.”
Brian Vaszily wrote about the benefits music has on us and the power it has to influence our brain and body. Music is actually known to boost our memory and learning, and those who listen while they are working can outperform others doing the same tasks.
Scripture set to music helps us in memorizing passages and gives us better recall. I’m sure our kids can remember scriptures we learned as a family that we sang to music during family times.
Music also has a way of lifting our spirit and lowering our stress levels. If we play a praise song, it can take us from a tense mood to one of peacefulness, helping us feel less anxious and reduce depression symptoms.
Brian writes that music stimulates creativity and can inspire us for creative things like art and writing
Music is also good for our hearts as it lowers our blood pressure and our heart rate and helps in the recovery time from a heart attack. Of course, it also depends on what kind of music we are listening to!
Music is also known to give us energy and help our exercise performance. At my exercise class, upbeat music is always played and seems to boosts our energy. I find it even more energizing when I am doing it to Christian music. I use to do that with a rebounder and at times I felt like I could touch the ceiling!
Music can also help reduce pain and it tends to help decrease chronic or acute pain, like after surgery.
Lastly music can help improve our sleep, both the quality and just falling asleep. You might find that if you put music on at bedtime, you may get to sleep faster and sleep better.
Music is good for the body, soul and spirit so let us make music in our hearts to the Lord.
Challenge for today: Listen to praise music while you get ready for work and see if your day goes better!
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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