Devotions from Judy’s heart
Isn’t it wonderful when we are received with open arms and know the other person truly welcomes us into their life? Each time I go to my friend Julie’s, her dog Molly get so excited and gives me the most wonderful greeting. Her tail almost wags off and she runs to me, licks me if I let her, and when I sit down she plops on my lap. When I go there, I never wonder if Molly will receive me, I already know she will! When we have Best friends in our lives,we can be quite sure they would welcome us too, day or night. But even if we didn’t have such friends, the Lord is waiting for us each morning to just welcome us into the new day and wants to spend it with us in all we do. But do we always believe that or do we sometimes rather hide from Him when we have blown it or feel guilty over something? No, like Molly, He is always there for us and just as the Father of the prodigal, He waits for us with open arms no matter what! His love is not conditional or based on our performance. Let us open our hearts to that love and welcome and in turn receive others in the same way..
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