Dear Ones,
Hope you wake to a peacefilled day! We will soon leave our hotel to go to Statesville to see Mark’s family!! 
Yesterday the freeway was nearly shut down for miles and miles so we took an alternate route and saw trees at their peak with beautiful fall colors. We hit it big too as got to our hotel in time for a late supper and swim. Thank you again for your prayers

Devotions from Judy’s heart
Yesterday I read an article about comfortable Christianity and got me questioning….Are we comfortable Christians, just sort of floating along each day with no real goal in mind? Or are we Christians with purpose who are growing, being challenged and stretched in our faith? There is a big difference! When we are complacent and lukewarm and let our guard down, we are influenced by the enemy and our culture. But when we are active and growing in our faith, we are not sucked in by what is happening around us but rather focused on what the Lord is doing.
Paul writes to the Christians in Colossae to be done with the old self and all its practices and says in Colossians, chapter 3, to put on compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, forgiveness and love. He wants to know that the Christians brothers and sisters are growing, teaching and admonishing one another, singing spiritual songs and having thankful hearts. No lukewarmness but always growing and active in their faith life.
What about us? What would the Lord say about us? Have we influenced greatly by our culture and live just like those who don’t know the Lord? Or are we known for our compassion, and love and Christ-likeness? If we are just Sunday Christians, or make excuses for our less than godly behavior, we will miss out on so much that God has for us. We must take responsibility for our responses and live in forgiveness and love.
As we travel, sometimes it becomes obvious that a person belongs to the Lord. Yesterday I was eating breakfast at our hotel and saw a lady with a t-shirt on that had a Christian symbol of the cross with the word faith running vertically, and I told her I loved her shirt. We had an immediate coming together as sisters in the Lord. Sometimes words aren’t even necessary as there is a oneness with others who are His children.
Let us all take responsibility for our own faith life with the Lord. and not just take things for granted. As we live in grace, may that spur us on to live a life of compassion and love.
Challenge for today: Do an act of kindness today as an expression of your love for the Lord.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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