Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you and hope you take time to enjoy it! I made choc covered raspberries and also stir fry to put on cauliflower wraps. This morning we also went to get the Birthday cake for our Oct. Birthday party at Northern Lakes which will be happening this afternoon.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
I was reading a devotional from an old book by Billy Graham, written in 1976, but really seems to describe our country today. He said, “In a decadent society the will to believe, to resist, to contend, to fight, to struggle is gone. In place of this will to resist, there is the desire to conform, to drift, to follow to yield, and to give up. This is what happened to Rome, but it also applies to us. The same conditions that prevailed in Rome prevail in our society. Before Rome fell, her standards were abandoned, the family disintegrated, divorce prevailed, immorality was rampant, and faith was at a low ebb. As Gibbon said, ‘There was much talk of religion but few practiced it.’”
Sadly, that seems true of America as we have lost our way and drifted from God. Many of us have deep concern for our children and grandchildren growing up in such a decadent society. Recently Alex Cravens, a youth Pastor in Arkansas wrote a post that went viral that I will share.
“Don’t feel sorry for or fear for your kids because the world they are going to grow up in is not what it used to be.
God created them and called them for the exact moment in time that they’re in. Their life wasn’t a coincidence or an accident.
Raise them up to know the power they walk in as children of God.
Train them up in the authority of His Word.
Teach them to walk in faith knowing that God is in control.
Empower them to know they can change the world.
Every person in all of history has been placed in the time that they were in because of God’s sovereign plan.
He knew Daniel could handle the lions den.
He knew David could handle Goliath.
He knew Esther could handle Haman.
He knew Peter could handle persecution.
He knows that your child can handle whatever challenge they face in their life. He created them specifically for it!
Don’t be scared for your children, but be honored that God chose YOU to parent the generation that is facing the biggest challenges of our lifetime.
Rise up to the challenge.
Raise Daniels, Davids, Esthers and Peters!
God isn’t scratching His head wondering what He’s going to do with this mess of a world.
He has an army He’s raising up to drive back the darkness and make Him known all over the earth.Don’t let your fear steal the greatness God placed in them. I know it’s hard to imagine them as anything besides our sweet little babies, and we just want to protect them from anything that could ever be hard on them, but they were born for such a time as this.” -Alex Cravens
Challenge for today: Bring a word of encouragement to a young person today.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy
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