Devotions from Judy’s heart
Are we grumblers or are we grateful people who desire to serve others?  We have all been around people that gripe and complain about many things and it creates a negative atmosphere all around them. But contrast that with people who are positive and encouraging and we come away feeling uplifted. We are told in Phil. 2: 14-16 (The Word), “Do everything without complaining or arguing. Then you will be blameless and innocent. You will be God’s children without any faults among people who are crooked and corrupt. You will shine like stars among them in the world as you hold firmly to the word of life.”  We are told to be cheerful and to be like a breath of fresh air in this polluted world and the difference will be readily seen. When we have hearts of gratitude it just naturally wants to spill out in serving others in so many ways. If we listen to the Lord each day, He will direct us in doing things that will bring blessings to others, and also seem to boomerang on ourselves. In our previous church the Lord impressed a friend to start a Care Ministry for women; the first person she called is one who creates cards and was only too happy to help. Each month caring baskets are put together and cards sent to encourage and support women dealing with loss and/or struggling with personal trials. I know the recipients are very blessed but I think the givers are blessed just as much. When we do it out of a grateful heart, we have joy; but if we grumble when we are doing something for another, it is no longer a gift and we miss the blessing. What if each morning we told the Lord that we are His servants and to use us to be His hands with a willingness to do whatever He asks of us. No day would be boring, and nothing would be beneath us for He is doing the directing. Jesus gave us such a wonderful example by washing his disciple’s feet. He took the lowest place and humbly washed their dirty feet, something a servant would do. Let us willingly and joyfully serve others from grateful hearts and be done with complaining.
Challenge for today: Catch yourself when you are tempted to complain and give thanks to the Lord.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy