Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you! I am making egg dishes and chicken soup and then Al and I will be going to Costco to get the birthday cake as it is party day here! Emoji  
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  How well do we see? We have eyes but are we bind to the love the Lord wants to pour into us? And does our blindness keep us from seeing others with a heart of love? Blind Helen Keller said that it may be terrible to be blind but worse to have eyes and not see.

  Sometimes my glasses are smudged, and I hold them up to the light to see where they need cleaning. Once they are cleaned, I see clearly and wonder why I waited so long. Of course, we all get smudges throughout our day when we fail to forgive someone or when we miss seeing who they really are. We become judgmental and soon we have a heart that is cold and hardened and without love.
  However, when we come to know how loved we are, we become spiritually aware, and we see things that we were spiritually blind to previously. Instead of focusing on the negative in others, we may see the failings of our own lives, wrong attitudes, and sin patterns that we need to deal with. Perhaps we suddenly become aware that there are idols in our lives as we spend our time and money and focus on some temporal things that we thought would give us significance. We may see areas where we have compromised and not been faithful to the Lord.

  Then one day, we sense the Holy Spirit working in our hearts and we see more clearly what things need to go and that the Lord is more important than any of them. I wonder if that is how the Psalmist felt when he wrote in Psalm 73:25-26, “Whom have I in heaven but you? You’re all I want! No one on earth means as much to me as you. Lord, so many times I fail; I fall into disgrace. But when I trust in you, I have a strong and glorious presence protecting and anointing me. Forever you’re all I need!”

 Let us not be blinded by the enemy who seeks to draw us away from the Lord, but rather may our eyes be on Him who gives us love and draws us close into His presence.
  Challenge for today: Let go of the things that are blinding and ask the Lord to give you spiritual sight.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy