Dear Ones,
Hope you will have a wonderful day. We have traveled 800 miles so far and are in Columbus, Indiana at another Marriott with a pool. Fortunately it is also close to Culvers and we stopped for sundaes when we went for our walk. I am not getting my anticipated reading done on this trip as we have been listening to the Supreme Court hearing and makes the time whiz by as we drive. It is beautiful here as well as leaves have turned brilliant colors.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Prayer is probably the most important thing we do in life. When we lift our minds and hearts to God, we can tell Him anything; not just all the warm fuzzies, but those times we feel afraid, alone, unloved, angry etc. He already knows, of course, but He loves to hear us and for us to acknowledge what is going on inside of us. We can tell Him anything and everything. I like to pray as I scrub the floor, swim in a pool, walk on the trail, and especially times when I am at my desk early in the morning. When we went to see my 94 year -old aunt on Monday, she said that there are so many miracles that happen each day. She had prayed and prayed for a miracle concerning a loved one and God answered her prayer that very day. As I have been reading Sacred Fire, Rolheiser tells about how Jesus disciples asked Him in Luke 11:1 “Lord teach us to pray.” They saw the depth of relationship He had with His Father. They weren’t really asking for a formula but rather how they could love like He did, be self-sacrificing as He was, forgive like He did, have divine energy etc. We are the ones that need prayer the most, especially when we are bored, have doubts, or are full of anger. We can be transparent with Him and we don’t have to stop doing to pray but can go about in the awareness that He is with us. One spiritual mentor who was teaching on prayer said, You must try to pray so that, in your prayer, you open yourself in such a way that sometime—perhaps not today, but sometime—you are able to hear God say to you: ‘I love you!’” The Lord wants a love relationship with us! After Jesus death, Mary goes to the tomb and asks a stranger where she can find Jesus. Jesus answers her by simply saying her name, Mary, with great love. She then recognized him speaking to her. May we also hear Him say our name and respond to Him in love for that is what prayer is all about.
Challenge for today: Spend some time sharing with your best friend, The Lord, what is going on inside you.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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