Dear Ones,
Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Sad for the Vikings though. We had to watch to the very end. We will be on the road shortly this morning and stopping to see my aunt on our way to N.C. So excited we’re going to see Mark’s family since it has been so long and our grandsons must have grown heaps. Not sure how far we will get today but it should be beautiful with the leaves at their peek.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Don’t we love when people tell us they are praying for us, especially when we are going through difficult times? It is so comforting to know that they are asking God to give us strength to help us stand and for His comfort and peace. Holding others up in prayer is also one of the best gifts we can give another. I know we have many friends we pray for daily and rejoice with them when the answers come. We also are so grateful for those who share they daily pray for us. I read a devotional today about how Jesus prays for us and it made me realize in a deeper way, how great that blessing is. It says in Heb. 7:25 (NRSV), “Consequently He is able for all time to save those wo approach God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.” Jesus paid the price for our sins at a great cost of His very life; but He goes on to intercede for us with God. He is our advocate and personally available to us at all times. He pleads our case and knows what we are going through as He was tested in every way that we are. He did not give in to temptation but He totally understands what we go through. Just think of it; every time Satan comes to accuse us or try to get us to fall, Jesus is at the right hand of God to present our case and speak up for us. That is so amazing and comforting! So instead of hiding the fact that we are being tempted, we are to honestly tell Him exactly what we are going through and ask for His help. He knows we will be tempted and tried and wants us to call for help. When we get a sarcastic remark aimed at us and we want to respond back the same way, we can ask the Lord to help us forgive and answer with kindness. Or if we disagree with someone who heatedly shares their opinion on Facebook, we can pray and let it go rather than giving our feedback. Sometimes all we do is say the name of Jesus and we know that He is right there helping us.
Challenge for today: Thank Jesus that He is your advocate and call on Him in every time of need.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy
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