Devotions from Judy’s heart,
Today I went for a prayer walk and the road was brilliant with color. Some of the leaves have turned golden, others bright red, and some orange etc. They are preparing to let go and fall to the ground as the wind blows upon them. I thought of how we are all in process of “shriveling” too and one day will die and be put into the ground. But even though we may get wrinkled, we can still shine forth with His presence that lives within us. This was so evident when Grace and I visited her friend Helen who is in her 80’s and getting wrinkled, but is so aglow with the love of the Lord. One glorious day, in God’s perfect timing, the wind of the Spirit will usher each of us who know Him, to our real home in glory. May the last of our days show forth the beauty and glory of the Lord in our lives! And even as the fallen leaves provide compost for the soil, the memory of the lives of the saints that have gone before us enrich our lives even now.
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