We are having a good Sabbath and went to Max Lacado’s church this morning. We heard a humble and powerful sermon. Al went to another church following and as Ann and I went home to talk to our Finnish “daughter” in Finland.
TOday’s devotion is from Gary Thomas’ book, The Beautiful Fight
God will discipline us to help us grow. It is better to face redemptive pain that draws us toward God than to face the pain of rebellion,which creates a distance in our walk with God.
What truly matters is how He uses our troubles and frustrations to conform us to His image. Don’t run from these things but be humbled in the midst of them. Learn how to live in the messiness of human relationships-confronting, forgiving, and asking to be forgiven. “Don’t make a hassle-free life your primary pursuit; instead, listen to God to discern how HE is using these interruptions to cleanse your soul and purify your attitudes”. The Lord has the right to do whatever He thinks best, regardless of our opinion, comfort, or complaining. We need to joyfully accept how God does it and embrace gratitude for how He is doing it.
But even if this is painful, it is a good pain as we become freer and more like Him.
Transformation is a longtime process! “Paying the price to grow in transfomation begins with the fear of God, takes root with the virtue of humilty, is strengthened with surrender, and embraces gratitude.” Let us not be satisfied with less.
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