Devotions from Stephen’s book, Soul Custody
Our world is so noisy and so are our hearts. Some fear the quiet because it is scary to be alone with their thoughts. But God often speaks in whispers, and we will not hear Him if we are not quiet. Like Moses found out, God didn’t speak in the wind and earthquake but in a gentle whisper. When he was fleeing for his life and discouraged, he spent a couple days just sleeping and being fed by the Lord. WE too may need rest to care for our souls. When we have expended lots of energy, we need to take time off to give our souls time to replenish and renew with rest and good food. Jesus wants our lives to be free and light. ( Matt. 11:28-30) Our pace often leaves us so busy and empty that we don’t have anything left to give to others. Let us not cruise on autopilot and run empty but embrace the way Jesus lived and taught. No one is an Energize Bunny that can go on and on without rest. The soul must stop, learn to be still and rest.
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