Devotions from Judy’s heart
Ann and the boys just got back from Germany and traveled 10 hours on a military plane with the temperature of only 40 degrees. ( I would have froze!!!) They “sacrificed” by going on a military plane in order to go to a far away land to take in the beauty and sights. Their trip was simply for learning and pleasure, but I think of the missionaries that leave everything behind and go to a foreign country to share the gospel. The have sacrificed everything for the kingdom. As I read today from Mark 10:29-30, “No one who has left mother or father or children or fields for Me and the gospel will fail to receive a 100 times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields- and with them persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life.” Are we willing to sacrifice for Him for whatever He may call us to do? When we are in His will there is a deep joy. I remember being at a missionary camp and seeing the missionaries light up like a candle when they talked about “their country”. God had put His plan and purpose for them in their hearts and it seemed like no sacrifice for them. Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice for us, and may we be so open that whatever He asks of us, we are willing to say YES!
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