Devotions from Judy’s heart
Today I read from Luke 18 when Jesus says for us to “always to pray and not lose heart”. Sometimes we pray but in the back of our mind we think the situation is impossible. But we don’t have to understand how God will answer our prayers but only to commit it all into His hands. I have been joining someone in prayer for a situation that has been ongoing and seemingly to get continually worse. But just the other night as we prayed together, I asked the Lord to send someone into her loved one’s life to be His instrument and bring healing. Well, last night my friend called and she was so excited, as after all this time, God had indeed done that. She kept saying it is a miracle! Further on in Luke 18:27 Jesus says, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.” That is so true and we must not lose heart in the meantime. Let us give Him all our impossible situations for we have a miracle working God!
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