Dear Ones,
  Hope you have a day filled with joy-filled moments. I plan to go to my exercise class, then with Al to his post op appointment, home in time for crafts and later Bible Study.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Where does the time go? The older I get the faster time seems to go and the days seem to fly by. How did we get in a new season already when I hardly had a chance to enjoy the former one? I was reading an article by Patricia Engler on tips for making the best use of time. She quoted Charles Spurgeon, who over a hundred years ago said, “Time is short. Eternity is long. It is only reasonable that this short life be lived in the light of eternity.”
   It is important that we use our time for things that really matter and to enjoy each day we are given. Moses prayed that God would teach us to number our days so we would gain a heart of wisdom. (Psalm 90:12) Life is so brief and I don’t want to waste my time on earth investing in things that don’t have eternal value.
  Jesus spent his time doing His Father’s business and he had only 3 short years to prepare His disciples to take over the huge task of preaching the good news of the kingdom, healing the sick, baptizing, teaching them all that they had learned from Him. Yet He took time to be alone with His Father, wasn’t rushed but stayed on His Father’s time schedule and did it His way. way.
  It is good to ask ourselves how we are doing with our time management. Do we come to the end of the day and realize we neglected to spend time with the Lord in the Word, and yet we read the latest on Facebook, had time for games online etc. What are our motives for spending time and are they worthwhile? What things help us to draw closer to the Lord and enable us to share Him with others that they may know Him and grow? As we answer those questions it will help us to say no to things that simply waste our time and are not worthwhile.
 Some people like detailed planning and scheduling, and others may find that too restricting. We need to do what works for us. We may have certain circumstances in our lives that demand more time of us right now, like having a baby, starting a new job, or caring for the sick. God can give us creative ways to accomplish what is needed as we follow His leading.
The Lord looks at our heart and knows our motives. May our desire be to draw close to Him and use our time wisely to enlarge His kingdom here on earth. One day this will be all over and only what we have done for Him will last!
Challenge for today: Before you shut your eyes tonight, review your day and ask the Lord if there are things you need to cut out or add.
  Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy