Dear Ones,
Happy Thanksgiving weekend! Hope you had a wonderful meaningful celebration yesterday. We came home from our daughter’s veery full and blessed by the day with family. I just made cookies and am now in the process of making bars as my freezer was depleted of any sweets. Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  There seems to be a big shortage of men that are stepping up to the plate and being fathers to their children. In so many homes today the father is absent and the children suffer. I wonder if dads know how important they are in how their children view them and also their outlook on life, their manhood or womanhood, and their view of God. A dad is like an earthly example of our Father in heaven who is for us, who loves us and who will cheer us on.

  On Thanksgiving we went to our daughter and son-in-law’s home on the lake to celebrate together with all 3 grandsons present. After a wonderful feast, while still at the table, I introduced a game that had $10 prize for the winner. Each of us was to tell one thing we were thankful for each member of the family. The one receiving all the complimentary comments then chose what remark meant the most to them, and that particular individual was given a point. Of course, the one who scored the most points won the money. It was interesting how what each person was thankful for so accurately described who the person was. But most interesting was that Leif got the most points as the boys chose their dad’s comments as being most important to them. Some of you moms might groan, thinking of all you do for your kids and yet what dad does seems to make the most impression on them.

  But God has placed the man as head of his family and so many are abandoning their roles. It has an effect on the family but on the whole culture, as many males today feel lost and lonely and depressed. Let us not fall prey to how our society views family and the roles each of us is to play but rather what God says. In Ephesians 5 we read that the husband is to be the head and provide leadership and the wife is to summit in the same way her husband must be submitted to the Lord. Christ was also submitted to His Father, and we are protected as we are under God given authority. There is a call today, as never before, for men to take their rightful place.

  Challenge for today: Encourage the men and boys in your life to not cop out but take their God-given place.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy