I am getting on in years, and I don’t want to miss the One thing in life that is most important…to really know the Lord and to let Him transform me to be like Him. That is a big order and the transformation process takes time and cooperation with the Spirit. I hope you are also paying attention to your soul and want to go below the surface of just asking the Lord for your requests, but rather going on to know Him in a deep way. For all of us that will involve change and to give up lesser desires so we may cooperate with the Holy Spirit. But the journey is personal and how He leads me may differ greatly from how He directs you and also the pace for each of us. Al and I have recently observed the transformation of a friend changed from an anxious indecisive person to one that just glows in her trust and love for the Lord.
We all need to stay open and when the Lord shows us things that need to change, we must have a willingness to let go of them. We can only do this if He is our focus. Our lives shift from dwelling on what we want, to asking what the Lord desires for us. He knows exactly what we need and wants what is best for us. Perhaps the bottom line is trusting Him. Do we believe He has our best in mind and wants to free us from our old self to become more like Him. Let us open ourselves up to the Holy Spirit, give up our resistance and receive His grace to be changed and more like Him.
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