Dear Ones,
It was so much fun to hear your responses to yesterday’s question on the last time you had a hearty laught. Some made me laugh outloud reading them. This morning I am off to the dentist again as I need a crown on a tooth that is on borrowed time! I can’t be two places at once so will miss out on other things on schedule today. Hope to get in another beautiful walk on the trail and then to church for Bible Study.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
When Jesus is the center of our lives, we will want to know His heart and His ways for our lives. What does it mean to really quiet ourselves and listen to His directions for each day? I want to practice what I write to you in my daily devotions so will try share how this looks in my life on a typical day.
I woke up early Saturday and prayed I would be sensitive to know God’s will and to be obedient as to how He would lead me throughout my day. My struggle, first of all, is to just jump into my day and then all of a sudden realize I need to slow down and be quiet and listen for directions. This day I needed to especially listen as there was going to be a possible Birthday dinner here. Not knowing for sure, I felt led to proceed as if it would happen and sure enough it did. I set aside extra food as our hungry grandson surprised us and showed up earlier and I had plenty of food ready for him before he had to be on his way.
Since I did food prep early in the day, I didn’t get my devotional written. But I was so surprised later when a friend sent me a newsletter that after reading, I felt led to write a devotional on my response to it… thank you Lord!
As I was talking to the Lord throughout the day, he reminded me to get a card off to a friend who has many health issues. Later a young adult thanked me for my cards as it is the only mail they get. It prompted me to send cards to several others that the Lord brought to mind.
When we desire to go His way, I think the Lord gives more energy as we are not fighting to have our own way. I began baking and made bread and egg dishes, and packed my Shoe Box Christmas gifts. There seemed to be enough time for all that was on His schedule and I felt joy inside. It’s not about how much we get done but if we are doing what He has laid out for us. As it says in Prov. 3:6 (Message), “Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He’s the one who will keep you on track.” I went to bed sensing His favor and asking Him to help me live that way every day.
Challenge for today: Start your day with an open heart to go God’s way in everything.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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