Devotions from Judy’s heart
I have had a virus this week and am trying to be so careful not to share the bug with Al. He needs to be in Duluth at Shalom this weekend so we are trying to keep some distance between us. I don’t like this and am reminded of what a blessing it is to be in close relationship. But in a spiritual sense, when we become frustrated, afraid, disillusioned, or confused we may put distance between us and the Lord and even blame him at times? That is the opposite of what we need to do, for He is the very one who wants to help us through each situation and give us the power to overcome. Instead of running away from Him, we need to run to Him. Even as I look forward to closeness with Al again, I believe the Lord is always waiting for us to come to Him and to seek Him and to find rest, comfort and healing. He tells us to come in Matt. 11, “Come to me. Get away with me and you will recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest….Keep company with me and you will learn to live freely and lightly.” I won’t forget the time Al was preaching and was saying, “The Lord says, ‘Come to me! Come to me!!’” As he did this a little boy ran up the aisle and stood there with his hands raised until Al took him up in his arms and held him. What a living demonstration of what He wants to do with us!
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