Dear Ones,
Hope your day is filled with peace. The house is filled with aroma as I made stew in the crockpot this morning. We enjoyed helping last night at the Soup Kitchen and each car was given a box and two big bags of food that was put in their trunks. Other workers served hot soup to them right at their car windows. So many needy people and so many opportunities for us all to be His hands and feet. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
None of us know how much time we will have here on earth and we must make the most of our days. When I sent out my devotional yesterday and shared about how we look at death, I did not know that it would be my aunt’s last day on earth. In the afternoon her daughter who has been lovingly caring for her texted me that it would be a good time to pray for her. Since my aunt had many coming to say their good-byes, we didn’t want to interrupt those times, so Terry would let me know when the time was good. I usually asked the Lord to lead me to a scripture to give to Marcia before I called and yesterday it was clear to me that I should share Psalm 23 which is often said at funerals. After giving the Psalm, both Al and I prayed for her and we were aware that her time was near. Later last night I got a call from her daughter, that her mom was now with the Lord. We talked about her life and heaven and although sadly we will no longer be with my aunt here on earth, she is in her eternal home. We are left with wonderful memories and her example that will live on. Growing up I spent a lot of time with her and always felt she believed in me and anticipated the best in me. I will remember her as one who loved well, was warm hearted and filled with kindness, accepted others where they were at, and a bringer of encouragement. She practiced what Paul wrote about in Eph. 4:32 (God’s Word),” Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one God in Christ has forgiven you.” There was no generation gap for her as she loved the smallest to the oldest and related to them. She was around others at Assisted Living who were afraid of death but she often told us she was not afraid to die for she would be with the Lord and loved ones. My aunt’s life was lived in love and ended well and I ask the question, what will others remember of us? We have only one life to live and will it be lived in sharing God’s love with others, helping them to find the Way while there is still time, and serving in the many ways He prompts us. Let us use each day as an opportunity to love the Lord more intimately and extend His kingdom.
Challenge for today: Say YES to whatever you feel God is nudging you to do today and do it with His love!
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy