Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying this beautiful sunny day. I was able to take off my bandage today and was shocked by how it looked…I have a long way to go for healing. I sent in 2 required pictures to my Dr. and she later called and said my nose is healing as expected.Emoji will have to keep it covered for a while. This morning I baked starch free cookies and went to Aldi’s. Do pray for my aunt as she is getting nearer to the end. My cousin held the phone up to her ear last night and we prayed for her and will continue.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
I just finished reading Harbinger II by Jonathan Cohn and wish you could all read it to help make sense of what is happening in our country today that lines up with scripture. We are experiencing exactly what God said would happen if we continue in our ways that violate His commands. Way back in April 30, 1789, after George Washington was inaugurated, he dedicated our nation to God and then said, “that the blessings of God would never remain on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained.” As we all know our nation has disobeyed what God commands and seems to be in a similar place as the Israelites in the Old Testament. God sent judgment upon them to try to turn them back to Him from the worship of idols and sacrificing their children etc. Sadly, America has killed 60,000,000 babies which is unimaginable, and their blood does not go unrecognized by God.  Just as Jeremiah prophesied the coming of pestilence and plague, it is likewise happening to us right now. Cohn describes us as a proud and defiant nation that seems to have lost all sense of right and wrong. God is calling our nation to return. Our only hope is found as it says in  II Chron7:14 (ESV), “If my people who are called my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, Then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.” When our country was torn up in Civil War, President Lincoln set forth a day of prayer on April 30,1863, in hope that prayers would be heard, that God would pardon our national sins, and that restoration would begin for our divided country. The very next day on May 1, 1863 the turning point of the war took place!  Doesn’t that sound like what we need now? Prayer changes things and we have been given so many warnings and signs that we need to repent and turn back to God. Our days are numbered. Let us return to Him and pray America’s lamp will burn brightly again with the fire of God.
Challenge for today: Spend some time in prayer for our nation to return to God.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy