Dear Ones,
Hope you wake up with a fresh start to the day. We are given a clean slate but are there things that are hard to  belive God has really forgiven? 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
I am glad that the Bible doesn’t sugar coat the lives of His saints, but also records their flaws and failings. Otherwise, we might all think there is no use, we cannot live up to God’s standard…which of course is true, we can’t…but we see and experience His grace poured out on us when we need it the most.
I think of some of the Jesus followers who failed miserably and yet went on to accomplish great things for the kingdom. Recently, in our S.S. Class we studied Hebrews 11 which is the Hall of Faith, people who trusted God and did great things like Abraham, Jacob, Moses Gideon, David, Samson etc. But we can also think how each of them blew it in many ways and God forgave them.
The important thing is that when we fail, and we do, that we go to the Lord in repentance and ask for forgiveness. I was reading from Psalm 79 today and the Psalmist prays in verse 8-9 (The Word), “Reach out to us soon with your compassion, because we are helpless. Help us, O God, our Savior, for the glory of your name. Rescue us, and forgive our sins for the honor of your name.”
He is always, always, ready to forgive us and has also promised to cast those things in the sea of forgetfulness. But we may find that the enemy often brings up our faults and shortcomings of the past and reminds us of how we have blown it. We must be quick to not make that our focus but begin thanking the Lord for His grace and mercy instead. When we berate ourselves and feel condemned, the enemy brings discouragement to us. We should rather give praise to the Lord that He has already forgiven our sin and forgotten it and set us free.
When sins of the past come to mind, let us picture the Lord throwing our sins into the sea of forgetfulness and be assured that He remembers them no more!
Challenge for today: Memorize Isaiah 43:25 and carry it with you!
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy