Dear Ones,
Hope you had a wonderful weekend. We have more snow and it is beautiful. Today I am sending this out early to also ask you to join me in prayer for Grace who will be going to surgery about the time you receive this. She has had pain in her neck for some time and hopefully today’s surgery will bring relief. Then this afternoon 2 friends from CA and 3 from MN who I have known from childhood are going to meet together. Such fun! We all went to the same church growing up and remained friends all these years. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Friends are important in our journey through life and truly a gift from God. They are sent to walk with us through hard times, to listen to our hearts, to support us and of course point us to the One who loves us and can handle all our problems. Today a very good friend of ours is having surgery on her neck and I woke in the night to pray. Al and I will also pray throughout the day for her surgery and recovery, and for her to sense God’s presence right with her. Because of COVID, her husband could only leave her off at the hospital door and then go home to wait, so we pray that the nurses are being used of the Lord to meet her needs.
We are all meant to be the Lord’s hands to others and I’m sure we can remember those who were there for us when we went through hard times and joyous times. I read today how Moses was in need of support when Israel was at war with the Amalekites.  Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill during the battle. When Moses held his hands towards heaven, the Israelites would win but as soon as he lowered his hands they would begin losing. So, the Lord used others to support him. It says in Exodus 17:12-13 (God’s Word), “Eventually, Moses’ hands felt heavy. So, Aaron and Hur took a rock, put it under him, and he sat on it. Aaron held up one hand, and Hur held up the other. His hands remained steady until sunset. So, Joshua defeated the Amelekite army in battle.”
We are all to be like Aaron and Hur who encourage others and hold their hands up so they don’t get weary and want to quit. We do this in many ways and in scripture we are told to serve and care for one another through love, and bear each other’s burdens.
As a clergy couple when we went to a new church, it wasn’t long before it became evident who those members were that would hold up our hands. We all have that need and God will bring into our lives those He has chosen to do that. But let us also be quick to see the needs of others and be willing to steady their hands.
Challenge for today: Thank someone who has been there for you in the past and also ask God to use you to be like an Aaron or a Hur.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy