Dear Ones,
Hope your day is filled with sunshine. What beautiful weather we have had for walking the trail! This morning a friend is coming over and then Al has an appointment with his Ophthalmologist to get him ready for cataract surgery on his other eye next week. This afternoon we have friends coming for coffee and fellowship so is a good day! 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  We can never outsmart God. There are those who think rules don’t apply to them, and that they are exempt to do whatever pleases them without consequences. But the Lord sees and is aware and it is He who we sin against. We may keep things hidden but never from the eyes of the Lord.  He sees all and is just.
  I was reading today about the sons of Eli, the high priest. His two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were wicked and took advantage of their position. They were seducing women who came to the tabernacle, treating the sacrifices with contempt, cheating and robbing the people.  Eli knew but he didn’t do much to correct them. He told them what they were doing was not good, but he never did anything to stop them. He didn’t take any disciplinary action but let it keep going on. God saw and stepped in and judged the two sons, both of them dying on the same day. He then raised up Samuel as a faithful priest.
  Just like Eli, we may have loved ones who are difficult and rebelling against God. Eli honored his sons above God and never lowered the boom on their behavior. When we are responsible for our children or those under us and we see them doing evil and shutting our eyes to it, we are also guilty when we let them continue. It’s not always an easy thing to discipline and often I think when our kids were growing up, we felt worse than they did when we had to deal out the punishment. But it says in Eph. 6:4, “Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.”  Who loves the child more? The parent who lets him do what he wants that is harming him or the one who steps in to correct, punish and train him.
  Being corrected is also reflective of how God disciplines us. We are told not to regard lightly the discipline of the Lord or lose heart for He disciplines those who He loves. (Heb. 12:5-6). Let us accept His correction as a sign of His love for us and respond rightly.
  Challenge for today: Correct those under your care when needed and also welcome God’s discipline in your life.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy