Instead of the usual devotions today, I think I will write about my uncle who had his “Homecoming” Friday afternoon. His final days were a special time as he was able to meet with each of his 8 children and also grandkids and speak into their lives. What a gift to leave them with! He had times to express to Marcia his love through all the years she was at his side. After Marcia called to share of his passing, I walked to the Point to just sit by the lake. It was so still and like a mirror reflecting the clouds above. Everything was so clear. I thought of when someone we love enters eternity, everything changes and becomes clear. The things we thought were so important for this day, no longer have a hold on our attention for they are just transitory things. But when we focus on the Lord and eternity there is clarity and purpose and life. I began processing my times with Frank through the years, as I was like a nanny for their family from the time I was very young. Frank would give me rides to their home in Prior Lake and we had that time to talk together in the car. Often he would tease me or have a humorous remark. If I didn’t want to take as much pay for babysitting, he would just throw the money in the street so I had to take it. He never wanted to inconvenience others either. My last visit with him at the hospital was the most special as we were able to say “I love you” and I planted several kisses on his head. Al prayed over him and it was a holy time. I am grateful for his life and for being a part of their family. It was like a second home. I wondered as I walked last night, if my mom, or brother John, or grandma or grandpa welcomed Frank into glory. We have so much to look forward to the best is yet to come. May we be aware this day of what is going to matter for eternity. Some things can quickly be gone with the wind and other things we need to pursue. May we live with eternity in our hearts each day and share His love with everyone He brings into our lives.
Thank you for your prayers and please continue to pray for Marcia and family.
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