Dear Ones,
Hope you awaken to a day full of joy and sunshine. I plan to go with a friend to Hackensack to the Bible study I went to for all the years that we lived at the lake. I love this praying group of gals who love the Lord and know the power of prayer. There is a luncheon afterwards and then I have to be home for my dental appointment! 

Devotions from Judy’s heart
Are we in a growth season in our spiritual lives right now or do we find ourselves in a dry dormant season? I think we all experience both seasons at different times in our lives and would prefer being in the growth and blossoming one; but if we are honest with ourselves, it seems like we experience both seasons and perhaps grow deeper even when we feel rather dormant.
A while ago I sent out a picture of the beautiful planter I received with red and white tulips, tall yellow daffodils, purple flowers, lavender flowers etc. I enjoyed them for a long time and was surprised as more flowers seem to keep opening up every few days. Now they have since wilted but I gave the planter to our daughter to put the bulbs in her basement to be planted next spring. They will go through a dormant stage and will rest until planted again. Even now I can envision them blossoming and taller and even more beautiful. I live in hope!
Maybe today, we sense we are in a dry dormant time, and that not much is happening in our lives outwardly. We may feel rather cold spiritually and not seeing much fruit. In fact, we may be depressed and going through a dark time of winter, wishing it was spring and that we could be hopeful and joyful and upbeat. But that doesn’t mean that nothing is happening. Perhaps we are realizing more than ever, how dependent we are on the Lord. We can’t force things but wait for Him to lead and to direct our lives. It could be a hidden work He is doing in our lives at this time, as He knows what is ahead for us. We need to submit to Him and be deeply rooted into Him.
Paul said in Col 2:6-7, “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” The bottom line is that we need to be connected to the Lord, rooted in Him and draw our strength from Him. He nourishes us and pours His Spirit into us, and surprise…..beautiful blossoms will be seen at His appointed time. For now, we simply trust Him and rest in Him and wait for Spring to come.
Challenge for today: Thank the Lord for the season you are in now, and let your roots go down deep.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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