Devotions from Judy’s heart,
Yesterday I went to our veggie garden as I hadn’t been there for 8 days due to our trip. What a disappointment as it was full of weeds. I had just weeded before we left and it looked so good and now it was peppered with weeds. It doesn’t take long so we need to frequently check. All the time I was weeding with a hoe or on my hands and knees, I was thinking of the weeds in our hearts. We all need a daily cleansing and washing with the Word. Those little things in our lives, bad attitudes or habits, negative thoughts, judgments of others, etc etc can be fertile ground for weeds to set in. They can take over the garden of our hearts, unless dealt with. It is easier to do that when they are just beginning rather than when they become big “weeds” and are harder to remove. God is so gracious and He wants to tend our garden if we allow Him. When He shows us those weeds that we would rather ignore, we can agree with Him and let Him remove them, or we can go on our own way. But it won’t get better until we let Him remove all those things that put distance between us and Him. And why do we want to hang on when His plan is for a beautiful garden that produces much? As it says in Isaiah 58:11 “And the Lord will guide you continually… and you shall be a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. “ May we give the Master Gardner free reign in our gardens!
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