Devotions based on Gary Thomas’ book Pure Pleasure
In Ecc 7:16, 18 it says “Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise- why destroy yourself?… The man who fears God will avoid all extremes.” Some may make an idol out of poverty, wanting to be more pious. Spurgeon believed in riding first class on the train and a smug man approached him and said he was trying to take care of the Lord’s resources, and was traveling 3rd class. Spurgeon answered him, “You take care of the Lord’s resources, and I shall take care of the Lord’s servant!” Of course we should act responsibly but some might choose to skimp on some things in order to find pleasure in something else. “Cheaper is better” doesn’t always square with scripture. We can make frugality a god when we sacrifice family. The author is very big on family fun times together . Kids grow up quickly and that season of raising them ought to have some fun family times together, even if it means saving all year . Let us not judge one another in this area. One woman challenged Gary Thomas on regularly buying Chai tea from Starbucks. She on the other hand was driving a much more expensive vehicle than his Ford. Let each of us find balance in our own lives
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