Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying this nice sunny day! I got egg dishes made and choc covered raspberries to take downstairs for coffee. This afternoon we also have a birthday party and then plan to get to Costco. Correction in yesterday’s devotion…the little dancing girl, Alexandra, is only 3year old!
Devotions from Judy’s heart
One day while reading from a devotional book by Ann Spangler I was especially touched by her story of the “Speak Wall” at Grand Rapids Christian High School. It is literally an 800 foot wall where over 900 students can post whatever they want and remain anonymous if they like. It is not like Facebook where so many show their best face, their lavish vacations and perfect families, but it is where they can post sticky notes about what they are going through. They might say, “I’m lonelier than you might think” or “All I want is to be loved” or “My smile hides a lot about me.” They write about their fears, brokenness, and desire to be accepted. Some write even about attempted suicides, and at times if notes are signed, a counselor may step in and other students can post words of encouragement. It’s a place to be honest and when students pass the wall with over 1,000 notes on it, they usually grow silent and just whisper. Wouldn’t it be great if our churches or places where we work had a Speak Wall? It helps us know that we are not the only ones that struggle and it’s alright to be honest and share we don’t have it all together. God is our personal Speak Wall, of course, because for He waits to hear our cries and is ready to listen and to help. It says in Lam. 2:17a (Amplified), “Arise (from your bed), cry out in the night, at the beginning of the watches; pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord.” He knows what goes on within us, even more than we are aware of. We can tell Him everything! God can also help us reach out to others who are broken and help them plug in to the One who heals all our hurts and loves us unconditionally.
Challenge for today: Be sensitive to those around you who may be hurting but don’t forget to share your struggles too.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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