Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a great day. Al is giving a communion service next door this morning at Assisted Living. I just finished baking S.F. Choc chip cookies and Sweet potato rounds and soon going to my exercise class. This afternoon is crafts and then the soup supper and service. A rich day.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Are we willing to change? When the Holy Spirit puts His finger on something in our lives that needs to go, are we willing to release it? When we hold things loosely in our lives, it becomes easier to let go; but if we are hanging on tightly, those things can become idols and are difficult to release. It could be a relationship that has become our focus and more important to us than doing what God says. Or maybe that we try to control our circumstances, or consider our time is more important than God’s time. But if anything comes before the Lord, we need to let it go!
In Matt. 3:2 (God’s Word), John the Baptist says, “Turn to God and change the way you think and act, because the kingdom of God is near.” Like me, maybe you hear the Holy Spirit telling you at times to “Let go!” and change your thinking and your actions. Sometimes the Lord puts others in my life who are so giving and I see my selfishness. Or I rush through things and find I am trying to control my day rather than taking the Lord’s hand and letting Him lead me. When thoughts come to us of change needed, we are not to just pass it off, but be willing to change how we think and how we behave.
Recently I read of Shellie Arnold who has a compassionate daughter who would even give the shoes off her feet if she saw someone in need. As a small child she would save up her pennies in a jar to give to missionaries when it was told there would be a special offering. Since she didn’t have much to give, she drew pictures and sold them and gave all the money to Missions, without thinking to keep any for herself. I want to be more like that. That child’s actions spoke to me. There are times I sense the Holy Spirit saying to give to a particular person, although I barely know them, but there is joy when I respond quickly.
Let us all be quick to respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and allow the Lord to change us. Let us hold everything we have loosely so that our hand is free to take the Lord’s.
Challenge for today: Open your heart to the Lord to work change in you where needed.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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