Dear Ones,                                                                                                                                                               Hopefully you had a great weekend and time to relax. Today I was excited to go back to my normal schedule after being sick. This morning I went to Aldi’s and then to my exercise class. Wonderful!  PTL!                                                                                  Devotions from Judy’s heart                                                                                                                          How have each of us been impacted these past couple years during the pandemic? Our lives are not the same in so many ways and I suspect we have all been changed in various ways. Hopefully we have new vision and have come to recognize what is really most important in our lives.                                                                        I was reading an article by Ines Valasquez-McBryde who shares about what it must have been like for Noah after so many months and months on the ark. He boarded the ark with only a promise from God and the goal to keep his family and animals alive. What went through his mind when he had to wait for the waters to recede and to embark on dry land? He must have stepped off the ark a different man, with everything radically changed for him and his family. What did he learn during that time on the ark?                                                                                                                             Ines asks similar questions of us, referring to the Pandemic. Let us ask ourselve   1. During these 2 years what did we lose during pre-Covid that we want to restore in post-Covid?                                                
2.What things did we do in pre-Covid that we don’t want to see restored and choose to leave behind?                                       
 3.What are the things we picked up during Covid that were life-giving and that we want to continue?continue?                         
4. What are the things that we picked up during Covid that we want to let go of post-Covid? 
Hopefully we have all learned and grown through this time. I’m sure we have all experienced losses of many kinds, but have we have also been transformed in many new ways?  Let us each take inventory of our own lives and have new vision and desire to continue the transformational process. As it says in II Cor. 3:18 (NRSA), “And all of us, with unveiled faces, seeing the glory of the Lord as though reflected in a mirror, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another, for this comes from the Lord, the Spirit.”                                                      Challenge for today: Write down the answer to the questions and ask the Lord to continue the transformation process to make you more and more like Him.                                          Blessings on  your week and prayers and love, Judy