Devotions taken from the book by John Ortberg called “The Me I Want to Be”
Life is not about achievement or experience but who we become. Do we want to be fully alive inside and have the inner freedom to live in love and joy? Yes! God made us to flourish and when we flourish we become more the person He created us to be, alive and with purpose. Only God knows our full potential, and can see the best version of us. He is more concerned with us reaching our potential than we are. Our life is His project. He thought us up and knows what we were intended to be. He can change us but we will always be the “me” he intended. He pre-wired our temperament and determined our natural gifts and talents. Our uniqueness is God-designed. Some think as we grow spiritually that we will have to become someone else. But God doesn’t discard our raw material. HE redirects it. The me God made me to be is measured by my capacity to love. When we live in love, we flourish. The time to love is now. Nothing offered in love is ever lost for we go on into eternity.
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