Devotions based on James Smith book, The Good and Beautiful Life
“God alone is the spark that ignites the flame in our souls.” Just like we build a fire in our wood stove each day, there are things we can do to maintain a vibrant life with God.
We can stoke the fire throughout the day by pausing for short times of prayer, reading a devotional book, spending some time in self-examination before going to sleep etc. These are like logs that we add to the existing fire the keep our hearts aflame. When we neglect spiritual practices our souls atrophy. But these practices are not merit badges either that determine how God feels about us. Our relationship with Him is not based on keeping all the right rules but learning how to be like Him by being with Him….which is abiding in Him. Our hearts long for something deeper than just doing certain things for it is all about relationship. Let us spend time with Him throughout our day.
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