Dear Ones,
Hope you will have a day full of surprises! Al is off to Men’s group at church already and today is Donut day here so I usually have a donut waiting for him when he returns. I am going to bake as we have company tomorrow and this afternoon is Bible Study.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
The Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword that can pierce our hearts and point us in the right direction. (Hebrew 4:12) Sometimes it seems like just a word or a verse of scripture stands out to us in a new way and today the whole chapter of Psalm 37 spoke to me. I love the Psalms and David wrote this Psalm when he was old; he tells us to trust in the Lord and be in step with Him and to do good things. From his own experience he says God will act on our behalf and give us the desires of our heart.
Our part is to open up to the Lord and not to hold anything back, but rather let Him do what needs to be done. David also goes on to say that we need to quiet down before the Lord and let go of our preoccupations and patiently wait for Him… but we are to hope as we wait. That takes faith and confidence in the Lord that He will act in our behalf and in His timing.
Verse 23 especially stood out to me, “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” He is close to us and knows everything about us, even the fine details. That means we need to be flexible and yield to the Lord, even though we may have made plans. He wants to lead us by His Spirit and that can mean that we let go of our plans and move forward on the path He has chosen for us to walk. It means living in the present moment and surrendering to Him for He sees the whole picture and every detail of our life.
David goes on to tell us to open up before God, keep nothing back; He’ll do whatever needs to be done. He also says we will experience happiness and even if we fall, we will not be down for long as God has a grip on our hand. What a comforting Psalm for it shows us how to live a spacious, free life of victory. Our part is to simply yield to Him and let Him direct every detail of our lives.
Challenge for today: Sit with a Psalm and ask the Lord to speak to your heart.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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