Dear Ones,
A blessed Holy Week to you! I’m sure many of you waved palm branches yesterday, as we did, while Pastor and the children went down the aisles at church. The sun is shining but so windy. This morning I made egg dishes and went to Aldi’s and my exercise class.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Devotions from Judy’s heart
How present are we with others? Are we fully present or are we distracted as we seek to check our phones and devices every few minutes? I was reading Richard Foster’s book, Sanctuary of the Soul, and he writes how distraction is one of the biggest problems today as there is so much visual stimuli, texting, e-mailing; saying more and more about less and less. He shares how when he travels and goes to speak, he is focused on the moment and the people he is with and does not multitask but is fully present. That spoke to me as I am so often multitasking and even when I am at my exercise class, I am planning menus as I dance and lift weights etc. But I notice those times I am just focused on what I am doing in the present, how enjoyable that is. Sometimes it is just good for all of us to unplug from our noisy world, and take in all that we observe and is happening right then. I love to walk in nature and especially like to notice the wild flowers, the wind in the trees, the little animals scurrying about etc. It can be for all of us, a time to listen and to hear what the Lord is wanting to say to us since we are not bombarded by other stimuli. We have noisy hearts and wondering minds and need to gear down at times to refocus, instead of being so wired. It feels right and good when we can be joyfully present to others and enter into their lives. Instead of rushing on into the next thing, let us wait and enjoy the moment we are in. David said in Ps. 27:14 (God’s Word), “Wait with hope for the Lord. Be strong, and let your heart be courageous. Yes, wait with hope for the Lord.” When we pause and wait, rather than being distracted by all that is going on about us, we find it can be a time of refreshing and renewal.
Let us ask the Lord to help us lay aside distractions and be present where He has placed us each moment.
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to give you a quiet heart, and to be fully present throughout your day.
Blessings on your Holy Week and prayers and love, Judy
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