Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a day of comforting peace. I chose today to include a prayer for those who are experiencing so much loss and pain. May we all remember them in our prayers. 
This morning I have 2 Mexican pies made and going to Aldi’s soon. I think Ann will be stopping by for lunch and to pick up our old dresser. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  I’m sure most all of you are aware of the terrible tragedy that took place at the Christian school in Nashville yesterday where 3 students and 3 teachers were killed. How do grade-schoolers and teachers and families deal with all the pain and sorrow that has touched their hearts? I read a prayer this morning by writer and editor, G.Conner Salter, as perhaps it is one that will help us to know how to pray for them and for ourselves when we suffer loss.
  “Lord, a terrible tragedy has struck, and we are again left with pain. Please be with the children at Covenant School. Bring them comfort after this trauma. Give them understanding counselors and kind parents who can ease their pain. Give them the courage to talk about their feelings, so they can grieve and heal.
  We ask that you be with the parents and extended families of the students. So often, in these cases, we either try not to talk about what happened because it seems negative or unspiritual to talk about pain. We are also prone to say careless things to our family members in difficult times. We tell each other to “get over it” when we need to talk about it. We remember past traumas, and that leads us to say or do careless things. Help them to find a better way. Help the parents to see that grief is part of healing and to let their children talk about their pain rather than bottling it up in the name of being positive. Help their extended families to know when it’s right to talk, what to say, and when it’s best to just hold someone and let them cry.
  We ask that you would be with the teachers and administrators at Covenant School. Give them peace and guide them as they learn to support each other. Show them how to be gracious with each other as they respond in different ways to the trauma. Help them to be honest about their fear and seek the help they need in the months ahead. Guide the school as a whole as it decides what direction to take in the coming months—in the discussions with students, with parents, with the media, in all these areas help them to be wise and caring.
  Lord, we are forced each time this happens to remember that this is not a safe world and that you did not tell us it was. You told us that you designed this world to be good, but sin has broken it. Creation itself groans as it craves your return, where all things will be made new, redeemed. As we struggle to understand this pain, remind us that our hope is in something beyond the present. You said, “the kingdom of God is here” when you came as Jesus, but we are still waiting for the kingdom’s fulfillment. As we live in the “already-not-yet” phase, where we know the kingdom is coming but so much is still broken, remind us to hold on to the hope of a better future. Show us how that better future can aid us to provide healing, find joy, and rebuild what’s been broken.”
Challenge for today: Pray this prayer for those affected by this tragedy and for others who are going through loss at this time.
Blessings on  your day and prayers and love, Judy