Devotions from Judy’s heart
While in Sanibel we heard Dr. Daryl Donavon preach, and since we were visitors we also got a gift bag with his book in it. ( “Able to Stand”). I liked what he had to say on faith as we hear so much that causes us to wonder if we have lost our faith. His definition of faith is: “Faith is hearing God and responding accordingly”. So simple! It is more than believing the right things and saying the right words. It is not something we produce to get God to do what we want. Sometimes our mountains aren’t moved because God might have those mountains to teach us how to climb. WE may not get a Jaguar from lack of belief but God said a Ford would do. Joni Erickson may still be in her wheelchair if God can receive greater glory with her in that position than on her feet.
Faith is something real and tangible. Through prayer we line up to God’s heart and become sensitive to what is on His heart. As we spend time with Him and listen we will discover His will in our lives and we can walk in confidence.
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