He reminds us in Romans 15 to step up to the plate in lend a hand to others who are weak and to ask how we can help. Other times we may not be the strong person but one who needs help ourselves. Jesus didn’t avoid those who were sick, downcast and troubled but responded as His Father directed. We are to reach out as well and welcome others into our hearts and lives and express God’s love to them. And in Romans 15:6 (Message) Paul says that when we do this, “Then we’ll be a choir—not our voices only, but our very lives singing in harmony in a stunning anthem to the God and Father of our Master Jesus!”
I see a lot of that happening where we live as there are people with health needs who feel weak and not able to do everything. But then along comes another person who steps in and meets the need, like taking them to their doctor’s appointment, or staying with them at the hospital, making a meal for them, putting a card on their door, praying for them etc. That’s what we are meant to do, and it means stepping up to the plate when it is not always convenient. We are all surrounded by people with needs, and some needs may be hidden so we need to ask the Lord to open our eyes and to respond as He directs us. Let us be like the Good Samaritan that stopped by the injured man on the road and dressed his wounds and saw to his needs.
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