We are partakers of His divine nature, and we are given work to do that God has assigned to us. Jesus did the work that God had given Him, which included carpentry work, teaching, healing, praying, preaching etc. His work was divine since He was carrying out an assignment given by His father. If we are doing what God calls us to do, it brings glory to Him. But if we use our work for self- serving ways, we miss what God has intended, and waste our lives. One day we will also have to give account. When we do things His way, we will have compassion for others, joy in our serving, and a wonderful sense that He is with us as we carry out the work He has give to us.
Our lives are not divided into God’s work and our work, for it should be one if we are in His will. Only we can answer for ourselves if we are doing what He has called us to do. We can help others know what they are good at as we see their giftings also, but they have to answer to the Lord, and sometimes it surprises us where He places them.
Let us desire His will and purpose for our lives above our own and serve Him with all our hearts. As it says in Heb. 12:21 may He equip us with everything good that we may do His will.
Challenge for today: Spend some time thanking the Lord for His plan for your life.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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