Dear Ones,
Hope you awaken with a fresh start and eagerness to what God has for you in this day. Al will be gone most of the day to get our taxes done and to see two friends. I plan to study and go downstairs for coffee and choc covered cherries later this morning. 
The question for today: Do we feel any changes coming in our life or things we need to let go of? Perhaps God is preparing us for something new! 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
We are getting older by the minute and we can’t stop the clock for it just keeps on ticking. So many people are looking for the latest ways to look younger and defy their actual age. Alice Fryling writes about aging faithfully and says the third third of life begins at age 52.7 years. We have two children that are now in that age bracket and another who will be there before long, so we are really old!                     
Maybe that’s why I love the words in Isaiah 46:4 (God’s Word), “Even when you’re old, I’ll take care of you. Even when your hair turns gray, I’ll support you. I made you and will continue to care for you. I’ll support you and save you.”
As we all age, we start to notice how those in a younger generation are taking over doing many of the things we use to do, but no longer have the desire or even the energy to do it all. We have to make changes and relinquish some things in our lives in order to do what God is calling us to do now. Are we willing?
It may not be easy to let go of things we may have been applauded and known for, but if God’s timing is over for it, then we need to let go and let others. That also means God has something new for us if we are willing to change. God is looking for faith in those wanting to pursue Him, and we need to be open to what He has for us next. Maybe it is not in the limelight as before, or in a position of prominence, but it will be in a place to bear fruit. Paul said in Eph. 2:10 (Message), “He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join Him in the work He does, the good work He has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.”
Let us be faithful and fruitful until we take our last breath!
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord if there is something you need to relinquish and then enter into the new He has waiting.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy