Dear Ones,
Hope you are having an enjoyable weekend. I cleaned the apartment this morning and this afternoon we have friends coming for coffee and fellowship. It has been some time since we could get together because of sickness so it is a treat today! 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
I think all of us have loved ones that we care about but don’t yet know the Lord, and it weighs on our hearts. Sometimes we don’t have
the words to pray but we desire so much for them to experience God’s forgiveness and love. I recently read a prayer by Debbie McDaniel and
will share part of it with you as you bring loved ones before Him, remembering that nothing is too difficult for the Lord.
“Dear God, we ask that you would stop every plan of the enemy over those we love as we bring them before you right now. We pray that you demolish his schemes and that your plans for good, for a future and hope, would prevail. Please open up blind eyes that they might see your truth.
 We believe in you to rescue those walking in darkness, and to heal the deep wounds of all who have been hurt. We pray for the miraculous intervention of your Spirit to draw them to yourself, to work strongly on behalf of our loved ones who are lost and wandering.
For you came with good news, to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for captives and release for the prisoners. Though we deserved penalty for our wrong, you stood in our place and took the blows on our behalf.  You chose to die so that we can live forever, and we could be free.
Lord, forgive our unbelief. Please forgive the times we’ve doubted that you could ever change a distant heart. Forgive our hard-heartedness, our weariness, or forgetfulness to pray continually. And thank you God, that you never give up on us. Remind us again of how you’ve changed our own hearts; how your miracle of life and hope has sprung up deep within our souls. We love you Lord; we need you today and every day. We thank you that you hear our prayers and believe that you are at work even now. Powerfully. Faithfully. And miraculously. Doing what only You can do.
Thank you again for the most wonderful gift of our Savior, God with us. Thank you for your great goodness and love. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
Challenge for today: Pray this prayer for some loved one that doesn’t yet know the Lord.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy