Dear Ones,
Happy Weekend to you! The sun is shining and so beautiful out my window with more fresh snow. I just finished making Beef Stroganoff and later hope to go shopping. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Are we on God’s time or our time? That is a question we need to ask ourselves as we go about our day and to make adjustments when needed. Jesus was always on His Father’s time, even though He was interrupted often; but He came to do the Father’s will. Even when pressured by His brothers to go to Jerusalem ahead of time, He did not give in but answered them and said in John 7:6 (ESV), “My time has not yet come but your time is always here.”
    I want to be on God’s time, but I know I often fail and have to ask forgiveness; although I missed it this time, I want to listen better next time with a willingness to change when He interrupts what I had planned.
   One Sunday at church Al and I knew we needed to change the paraments after the service. It was a special  Sunday with red paraments and we were to change them to green for the next Sunday. During church we reminded each other that we would do at the close of the service before we went to coffee. That was our time! But when we got up to leave, we noticed a new couple sitting behind us and introduced ourselves and got acquainted. We didn’t want to leave them there as the church had emptied and my eyes met Al with the knowledge that we needed to let go of our time. We took them to coffee and heard more about their lives and introduced them to others… and the paraments were done later on God’s time. This story is just one simple example but a reminder that we need to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit to know what is in God’s timing for our lives.
  So many examples in Scripture of the right time. Wise King Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 3 that there is a time and season for every matter under heaven.  There is also a time coming when Jesus will come again and it says in Mark 13:32 (ESV), “But concerning that day or that hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” God’s timing is perfect and let us seek to know His timing in our lives.
  Challenge for today: Ask the Holy Spirit to make you sensitive to God’s timing and let go of yours. 
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy