Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying this sunny day! Al went to Men’s group this morning and I baked cookies and made bars and went downstairs for donuts. We have Bible Study this afternoon and then Ann and Leif may stop in to see us.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Every moment of the day we must remember we are in God’s hands. We are not in control, but He is and we can totally rely on Him. But often we need reminders as we go merrily along, planning our day, and sometimes forgetting that He is the one who is in the driver’s seat and not us. Things happen to us that may stop us in our tracks and we call out to Him for help. Sometimes they are big things that He uses to get our attention and sometimes they are just the little things during our day that remind us to rely on Him.
A funny thing happened yesterday as Al and I were out doing errands and stopped to get our car washed. Al has done that many times and knows just what to do. He drove into the car wash and the big door closed behind us but nothing happened. Nothing. No water, no suds, no nothing. We noticed that two other cars were behind us and were probably wondering what was taking us so long. We were stranded and all we could think of was to just honk our horn and hope that help would come. It took a while and lots of honking but finally a man came that had to fix things and get them going and we breathed a sigh of relief. We were helpless in this situation but God sent just the right person to get us out of it.
This was a small situation but there are big things in our lives that we feel desperation for His help.
One friend who is going through a hard time right now wrote a poem with a quote from C.S. Lewis, “God whispers to us in our pleasure, speaks in our conscience but shouts in our pain. It is his megaphone.” Our friend went on to say that “we may feel like a constellation of pain, hear His voice, He invites us into a more intimate relationship with Him, and we are never alone. A richer dimension of faith Jesus has shown me. I need to move forward, rely on Jesus and LET IT BE.”
I was reading from Psalm 27 and David knew where to go in all of his troubles. He sought the Lord and said, “O Lord, I will seek our face. Do not hide your face from me..You have been my help. Do not leave me!:”
In all of our situations, big and small, Jesus invites us into a deeper intimate relationship with Him and to rely on Him. We are weak but He is strong and He is with us always.
Challenge for today: Look to the Lord and rely on Him and not yourself.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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