Devotions from Judy’s heart
Yesterday the sun was shining as I took my prayer walk and decided to walk the labyrinth at my cousins. Since the snow has gone, I have not done that, and it felt right to slow down and just take some moments to be quiet and pray. As I walked the labyrinth I noticed again all the variety of stones: .all sizes, shapes and colors. It was a reminder to me of the many people that have had an impact on my life. They are so varied with many colored gifts. I felt grateful as they are truly gifts from above and are sent into my life to keep me on the right path. As I walked slowly, I saw 2 green raspberry stalks growing in the middle of the path. They didn’t belong there and I pulled them out to clear the path. Sometimes there are even good things in our lives but they are not in the right place and timing, and tend to block what we are to do in the now. We need to remove them so we are free to do what the Lord has for us in the present. When I got to the middle there was a large stone and I sat on it and spent some time in quiet. I thought of Jesus as my rock and I want to just rest in Him. “ The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps. 18:2 I leisurely walked back out from the center with all it’s turns.. into the world and hopefully to share what I received with others. It is good to just slow down in our lives and take the time to enjoy the Lord and listen with our hearts.
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