Devotions based on David Benner’s book, Soulful Spirituality
We all long for someone that can be fully with us- present, open, attentive, and available to receive us and our experience. Being fully present is much harder than it may sound because it takes stillness that is nurtured by silence and solitude. We are so full of distractions, preoccupations, plans etc. that our inner world seems to be always turning. Even when we go to a quiet retreat place and are alone, we need the inner solitude which is a state of peaceful being with our self. We can also have outer silence by not talking but we need inner silence where we listen and are open and attentive. Inner stillness is challenging and important. We can be still by not moving but an inner stillness is letting go. It is detachment from all that moves us off center, like cravings and attachments to disordered desires. Our mind often believes the lie that if we only possessed a certain something we would be happy. But desiring anything or any one more than God will rob us of our stillness and love for God. We need to let go and be present to ourselves and God. “Be still, and know that I am God.” Ps. 46:10
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