Devotions from Judy’s heart
While at Kurt’s the 3 grandkids did a very creative skit about Jonah. They made the face of Jonah on a balloon and out of paper created a big fish. From second floor they lowered them on long ribbons to the first floor sea. Even Grant was involved and had “a baby whale” that he put in the story. But before the program, they were not in agreement, as Lily wanted to do a skit about the ocean and Paige wanted to do a Bible story about David and Goliath. There were a few tears and I tried to negotiate and told them they could do 2 stories, one of the ocean and one from the Bible. It wasn’t long until there was joy and excitement as they decided on their own to do Jonah which would include both the sea and the Bible. It made me think of disagreements in the Body of Christ and how we may want “our way”, because it is the best!!! Hummm! We can do separate things but how much better to come to agreement and to be in harmony and oneness. What pleasure it gives the Lord when we are in unity. “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity…for there the Lord bestows His blessing and life forever more.” Ps. 133. Let us not be so quick to insist on “our thing” but to be in harmony with the Body.
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