Dear Ones,
Hope you have a great day! It looks to be a beautiful sunny day. We are soon heading to the Dr. to have our ears checked and later having friends over for coffee and fellowship. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  How solid is our foundation of faith? Is it built on the rock of Truth or is it built on sinking sand? The Lord wants to build us into a house that will bring glory to Him and that others would seek to know the Builder. We need to have a foundation that is firm, so we won’t be swallowed up by the floods of our culture or sliding down the slopes of forbidden pleasures. King David wrote how the Lord was his rock and said in Psalm 62:6 (ESV), “He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken.”
  You maybe know the hymn that Edward Mote wrote in 1834. He grew up mostly on the streets in London as his parents ran a pub. He was not aware there was a god until he was 18 and heard the Word of God preached. It totally changed his life and he accepted the Lord and was baptized. He became a cabinet maker and while walking to work one day, he wrote the words to the song, On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand. His life was completely given to the Lord and he became a pastor of a small church at the age of 55 and preached for 21 years, never missing a Sunday. A few of the words of his song are:
“My hope is built on nothing less/ than Jesus’ blood and righteousness./ I dare not trust the sweetest frame/ but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.  Refrain: On Christ, the solid rock, I stand;/ all other ground is sinking sand/ all other ground is sinking sand.”
He goes on to write that his anchor will hold in the storms of life, for Jesus is his hope and stay. He can rest in God’s unchanging love and one day he will stand before the Lord clothed in his righteousness.                                                                                                                                                    Nothing can move us when our lives are anchored in the Lord. We are safe and secure when the storms of life hit, for we have solid rock under our feet.
Challenge for today: Check that you are firmly footed on the solid rock.  
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy